internal communication
For most B2B companies, the focus in years past has always been on lead generation, PR and external communication. However, the times have changed. Today, companies have brought another seat to the table: Internal Communication. And they have begun to realize just how much they can accomplish with it.
Primary Audience: Internal Staff.
The audience for Internal Communication is, of course, strictly internal. It includes a company’s entire staff, whether they be in the office, working in hybrid capacity, or working remotely. In fact, Internal Communication becomes the “glue” that binds these three distinct audiences together, ensuring that they all have access to the same up-to-the-minute information.
This 5-minute video gave the employees, channel partners, technology partners,and suppliers of MediaVue insights into their Technical Support operation. This enabled them to have much greater faith and belief in MediaVue as a vendor.
Components of an effective internal comms program could include an employee engagement platform, digital signage, and an enewsletter like the one developed for mediavue systems.
Secondary Audience: Channel, Technology, and Installation Partners. Partners tend to be overlooked and oftentimes neglected because they work elsewhere, from their own offices. Even though they often work very intimately with your internal staff, they often don’t receive the same flow of information that employees get. Internal Communication changes all that.
Getting Everyone on the Same Page. All of the corporate messaging that companies tend to share externally is equally important for internal consumption. By having a vibrant Internal Communication program, companies can ensure that everyone is on the same page.
Take Advantage of the Latest Tech for Internal Comms.. There have been a number of technological advancements that make Internal Communication more do-able than ever before. These advancements include employee engagement platforms such as Workvivo digital signage, which enables companies to share news, event schedules, video content, and much more – not only at corporate headquarters, but also at corporate offices and manufacturing sites across the country and around the globe. These platforms can incorporate digital signage so that you can reach workers in the cafeteria, in break rooms, and on the manufacturing floor. They also make it possible to connect with desk-less workers whose only connection to the company is their smartphone.
The Bottom Line: Internal Communication is Key to a Company’s Success.