social media
Helping AMA Boston to Expand its Footprint Across New England
The goal of this social media campaign was to help the American Marketing Association Boston Chapter attract a greater audience and expand its footprint – particularly on the north shore of MA, NH, and Maine. Its first-ever event in southern New Hampshire drew a record number of attendees.
Getting MediaVue a Seat at the Table
The Challenge for MediaVue Systems was to get them recognized as being “one of the big guys” in the digital signage space. While there was high regard for MediaVue’s technology, they were often not at the table when large, global buy decisions for digital signage were being made. A sustained social media campaign helped change that.
Building a Global Reputation for Kentico
Kentico was well known across Europe for its cutting edge CMS technology. However the company lacked name recognition in North America. We worked with them on the AR, PR and social media fronts to change that. In fact, during our tenure the company dramatically improved its stature by making it into Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for the very first time.
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Things to think about when building your company’s social media strategy:
Assign your best writers and marketers to participate in your company’s social media outreach. Using junior people or secondary assets alone is not going to get you the results that you seek.
Include a photo or graphic at every opportunity. That dramatically increases the chances that readers will notice and linger on your message.
Offer more than just a headline. Redirect the visitor to a web page, video, customer success story, webcast, or presentation where they can obtain more information.
Embed video. Maybe it’s one of your executives speaking from the trade show floor. An interview with a customer. Or perhaps a conversation with one of your company’s business partners.
Use social media to drive event registration. Have a seminar, meeting, or webcast coming up in the near future? Social media is one of the best ways to fill those seats.
Showcase your company’s trade show efforts. Make sure you are getting the biggest bang for the buck by showcasing your company’s exhibit at various trade shows. Shoot some video from the show floor. Conduct interviews. Give readers a sense of being there.
Conduct a survey. Have a short poll or survey that you’d like to conduct? A great way to get that message out is social media. Embed the survey link right in your message.
Focus on quality of content. If you consistently provide your audience with quality content, they will come back for more. Think about engaging your audience, making them think, and motivating them to take an action.
Don’t forget about your business partners. Social media messaging is a great way to give your business partners some well deserved visibility. They often have some fantastic insights into your business and the marketplace in general. Interview them at every opportunity and you'll have a wealth of material to draw upon for months to come.
Go global! Social media is a great way to let people know what your company is up to in other parts of the world. So be sure to offer video from all of your company’s operating regions, from North America to the EU and APAC.