TELLing YOUR COMPANY’S STORY has never been easier

Your company’s story is out there, waiting to be told. With our storytelling, a professional writer interviews your company’s executives, subject matter experts, users, and partners. Engages them in discussion. Asks probing questions. Gets their thoughts about the future. Captures it all on video. The end product is a compelling ARTICLE featuring VIDEO CLIPS from the interview. And the beginnings of your VIDEO REPOSITORY. It’s a fast, efficient way to spread your company’s voice and brand in the marketplace.

examples of our storytelling at work

ARTICLES: Click to view full screen
VIDEOS: Click arrow to view full size and play

Storytelling does all this

  1. Amplifies your Brand. Increase your company’s public profile by getting people across the community to mention your company by name.

  2. Articulates your Business Mission and Purpose. Explaining the business in your own words goes far beyond the “about” page on your corporate website.

  3. Grows Thought Leadership. Showcase your company’s knowledge and expertise by putting company executives, subject matter experts, partners and customers in front of the microphone, talking about key business issues.

  4. Opens the Door to Speaking Opportunities. Increase the chances of your people not only being noticed, but also being tapped for speaking roles at trade shows, conferences, webcasts and podcasts.

  5. Puts you in front of Market Influencers. Well written articles and video interviews are likely to catch the eye of editors, analysts, and bloggers.

  6. Drives traffic to your Corporate Website. People consuming your content are likely to visit your company’s website to learn more.

  7. Opens New Avenues of Communication. A headline. A call out. A particular point of view expressed by an executive. Any one of these things could encourage people to make contact.

  8. Builds a Video Repository that Fuels your Business. You’ll find yourself continually drawing upon the interviews and raw video collected during this storytelling process. Use this material for your corporate website, eNewsletters, partner comms, email campaigns and more.

  9. Embellishes your Partner Program. Interviewing technology and installation partners puts them in the spotlight and inspires them to do more.

  10. Moves the Needle. Storytelling makes things happen quickly and economically. Make it a part of your company’s communications program.